My life, as I know it
Worry about anything at all ?
Published on April 23, 2004 By saved In Blogging
I have a God, the God. And he has promised me that he will take care of me, protect me, make a plan for my life, that I can use if I want to... It is a nice plan, a good plan, a plan that will bring success, that will help others, tell others the truth, and he will give me everything I need. But there is one condition, that condition is believing in Him, and spending time with Him.
But what does believe mean ? Does it include trust ? Will I have to trust him, that he is always there for me, that he only wants what is good for me ? That he can take care of me, and give me what I need ?
I would say yes, if I believe he is an almighty God, then I also have to trust his word, what kind of God would he be if he didnt keep his word ? Also I would fear him and respect his wishes, so when he says that sins punishment is death, and only way to avoid that is believing in his son Jesus, and Jesus tells us to spend time with him. What else can I do ? If I really do believe ... And when the almighty God wants to know me, why would I want anything else than knowing him ? after all, he made me, you, this world, all the stars, the mighty ocean, the high montains. Everything! And in only 6 days, THAT is my God. And he even thought about a 7th day for resting. Everything was perfect.

And now lots of years later, after years of sin, we are all saved. Not because we disserve to be saved, but because that Lord, the God that created everything. Loved you, me, and everyone so much, that he gave his only son, to be born on the earth, as a human, to live without doing a single sin, and to die on the cross, the worst way of torture death there is, after being beaten whipped, humiliated and left by God and all his dissiples. They left him, as he saved everyone. He was punished in the worst thinkable ways, and he had done nothing but good.

I sure am lucky to have a that mercifull God, and what else can I do but give my life to praise him and tell everyone on earth about him ?

on Apr 23, 2004
You could always sell everything you own and donate it to charity, move to Costa Rica and work to aid all the people there for just alms.... I think any God worth his salt would rather have deeds out of you than praise. Certainly "The God". Save the prayer breaths and use that oxygen for something. But what do I know...?